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Mind (National)

Mind (National) logo

Mind is the leading mental health charity in England and Wales.

Mind provides reliable information, advice and support through their extensive website and their helplines, which can be contacted via phone, text or email. Helplines include a core Infoline, a Blue Light Infoline specifically for emergency service staff, and a Legal Line specifically for information regarding law and legislation. (All contact details can be found on Mind's website.)

Mind also campaigns so that everyone experiencing a mental health problem gets the support and respect they deserve, in health and care services, in legislation, at work and more.

Mind also runs a moderated online support community called Elefriends where people with experience of mental health problems can support each other.

Additionally, Mind offer training and consultancy services to individuals and organisations. This includes training in workplace wellbeing, applied suicide intervention skills, Mental Health First Aid and more.

There are also over 100 local Minds across England and Wales who are affiliated with national Mind. Local Minds offer a range of direct support services to meet the needs of specific communities.

Address:  15-19 Broadway, Stratford, London, E15 4BQ
Area serviced:  England and Wales
Telephone:  020 8519 2122
Fax:  020 8522 1725
Who is it for:  Anyone who wants mental health information or support - whether they are experiencing a mental health problem or know someone who does
Sector:   Voluntary