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POhWER is a charity and membership organisation. They provide information, advice, support and advocacy to people who experience disability, vulnerability, distress and social exclusion.

The Kensington and Chelsea branch provides services which include:

- Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (IMCA), including Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS). This is a statutory advocacy service to support vulnerable people who lack capacity and need to make important decisions but have no representatives as defined under the Mental Capacity Act 2005.

- Relevant Person’s Paid Representative (RPPR), is a service for those people (or Relevant Person) whom have been legally deprived of their liberty under the safeguards (DoLS) set out in Mental Capacity Act 2005, and have no family or friend whom can appropriately act as their representative. 

- Community Advocacy service for residents aged 18 and over with Physical and or Sensory Disabilities, or a long term physical illness or condition, as well as Community Advocacy for anyone aged over 50. 

- Independent Health Complaints Advocacy for people who wish to make a complaint about treatment provided under the NHS.

Address:  Pohwer Kensington and Chelsea PO Box 14043, Birmingham, B6 9BL
Telephone:  0300 456 2370
Opening times:  Monday to Friday: 9am - 5pm
Who is it for:  Anyone aged 50+, adults aged 18+ with a sensory impairment or physical disability
Sector:   Public