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Kensington and Chelsea Mind

Kensington and Chelsea Mind logo

Kensington & Chelsea Mind offers information, support and training to support the recovery, growth and wellbeing of people who are experiencing mental health problems to enable them to live full and independent lives.

Services include:

- An advice and information service which can be accessed by phone or email, online crisis information, and an extensive online directory of local organisations and services accessible via our website.

- Wellbeing services, including ecotherapy activities run at Meanwhile Wildlife Garden, and peer support delivered as part of Community Living Well. Peer support includes wellbeing workshops, peer support groups and social activities. 

- Psychoeducation workshops, aimed at providing pratical support and resources on a variety of topics, such as stress management, dealing with anxiety and depression, building resilience and more 

- A service user network (SUN), which exists to ensure that people who have lived experience of mental distress and using services have a direct say in influencing, shaping and delivering local mental health services. 

- Mind Skills Development Service, offering accredited training courses, employment support, work opportunities and workshops for adults experiencing mental health problems. 

Address:  Office 1, 7 Thorpe Close, London, W10 5XL
Umbrella org:  Affiliated to national Mind
Telephone:  020 8964 1333
Fax:  020 8968 1035
Opening times:  9am - 5pm Monday to Friday
Who is it for:  Mostly residents of Kensington & Chelsea only. However the Peer Support Service delivered as part of Community Living Well is also open to people in the Queens Park and Paddington areas of Westminster.
Languages:  English
Disabled access:  Varies according to location of desired service, please enquire
Childcare:  None available
Charges:  Free
How to apply:  Telephone or email enquiry
Buses:  7, 23, 52, 70, 228, 295
Train/tube:  Ladbroke Grove Tube
Parking:  Metered/Resident Permit
Sector:   Voluntary