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Al-Hasaniya Moroccan Women's Centre

Al-Hasaniya aim to improve the overall physical and mental well-being of of Morrocan and Arabic speaking women and their families. Providing women with a safe arena in which to develop self-expression and self-empowerment to reduce feelings of isolation and helping to intergrate them within their wider community. 

The service offers individual support for Arabic-speaking women who suffer from enduring mental health problems and live in the borough and provides practical and emotional support for both the women and their families. 

Other activites provided include sewing classes, exercise and self-defence groups, face-to-face emotional wellbeing sessions and ESOL lessons every Tuesday. 

Address:  Bays 4-5 Trellick Tower, Golborne Road, London, W10 5PL
Umbrella org:  None
Area serviced:  Mainly Kensington and Chelsea, but women and families from other areas of London are welcome
Contact name:  Provided on enquiry
Telephone:  0208 969 2292
Opening times:  Office 9.30am-5.00pm Monday to Friday; Drop-in Surgery Friday 10am - 12pm
Who is it for:  Moroccan and Arabic speaking families from all areas of London
Languages:  English & Arabic speaking at point of contact
Disabled access:  Yes
Childcare:  A creche is available when workshops and other activities are running
Charges:  Free
How to apply:  Telephone or email enquiry, or attend a drop-in session
Buses:  7, 18, 23, 28, 31, 36 and 328
Train/tube:  Ladbroke Grove, Westbourne Park
Parking:  Metered/Residents Permit
Sector:   Voluntary