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Open Age

Open Age logo

Open Age are a charity that focus on championing an active life for older people. Working across Kensington & Chelsea, Westminster and Hammersmith & Fulham, they aim to enable people aged 50+ to sustain their physical and mental fitness, maintain an active lifestyle and develop new and stimulating interests.

They provide various physical, creative and mentally stimulating activities to enable older people to develop new skills, fulfill their potential and make new friends e.g. dance, yoga and computer classes. Activity timetables for each locality can be found on their website.

Open Age also run an employment programme which helps people aged 50+ to find employment, and an outings group which arranged regular visists to attractions in and around London. 

In addition, there are facilitated telephone groups for those who are housebound and unable to leave their homes. ‘Time For Me’ provides activities and trips out for unpaid carers. Link-Up staff work on a one-to-one basis and help people who are isolated attend our activities, breaking down the barriers that are preventing them leaving their homes.


Address:  St. Charles Centre For Health & Wellbeing , Exmoor Street , London , W10 6DZ
Area serviced:  Kensington and Chelsea, Westminster and Hammersmith and Fulham
Telephone:  020 8962 4141
Fax:  020 8960 5742
Opening times:  Main office - 9am - 5pm. Activity times vary
Who is it for:  Anyone aged 50+
Charges:  Mostly free, some activities may ask for a small contribution
How to apply:  Contact by phone or email
Buses:  52, 70, 7 23, 228
Train/tube:  Ladbroke Grove
Sector:   Public