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Migrants Organise

Migrants Organise is an umbrella organisation for migrant and refugee organisations. They provide help and support to migrants and refugees looking to set up their own community groups, provide generalist advice and information on issues such as housing, immigration, welfare benefits and legal matters, and campaign on issues affecting migrants. The Transforming Lives project is a mentoring scheme for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers who are particularly isolated, in need of extra support or dealing with mental health problems. Mentees are placed with a mentor who speaks the same language and who can help them to access services, learn new skills and build confidence.

Address:  2 Thorpe Close, London, W10 5XL
Area serviced:  London
Telephone:  020 8964 4815
Opening times:  9.30am - 5.30pm Monday - Friday
Waiting times:  Waiting times for a Transforming Lives mentor depend on availability of volunteers (typically 1 week to 1 month)
Who is it for:  Migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in London
Languages:  Over 40 languages are available; volunteers can be recruited to meet other language requirements
Disabled access:  Yes
Childcare:  Yes
Charges:  Free
How to apply:  Phone, email, or visit them at 2 Thorpe Close
Buses:  52, 228, 7, 23, 70, 452, 295
Train/tube:  Ladbroke Grove
Parking:  None
Sector:   Voluntary