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Havens, The

The Havens are specialist centres in London for people who have been raped or sexually assaulted. Since the first of The Havens was opened in 2000 we have helped over 11,000 people.

If you have been raped or sexually assaulted in the last 12 months, we are here to help you to recover physically and emotionally from your ordeal. Our staff are fully trained and hugely experienced. They are experts in advising, supporting and treating those who have experienced sexual violence.

At the havens we help everyone, men and women, young people and children of all ages.

You can expect to be believed and be treated with dignity and respect.

And you can use our services without having to report the assault to the police.

There is an emergency telephone number which is 24 hour  020 3299 6900. This is only to be used if you have been raped or sexually assaulted recently and are making initial contact.

Address:  St Marys Hospital, Praed Street, London, W2 1NY
Area serviced:  London area
Contact name:  Provided on Enquiry
Job title:  Provided on Enquiry
Telephone:  020 3299 6900
Opening times:  9am - 5pm Monday to Friday - by appointment only (24 Hour On-call Forensic Examination Service)
Who is it for:  Anyone in London who has been raped or sexually assaulted within the last 12 months can come to the havens. Women, men, young people and children can all attend. If you were assaulted more than 12 months ago, we can put you in contact with other organisations that can help.
Languages:  English at point of contact. Interpreters available.
Disabled access:  Yes
Childcare:  Yes
Charges:  Free
How to apply:  Telephone to make an appointment
Buses:  7, 15, 23, 27, 36, 205, 436,
Train/tube:  Paddington Tube/Mainline, Edgware Road Tube
Parking:  Metered/Residents Permit
Sector:   Statutory